Myongji University

(明知大學校) "Korea's baduk education may even continue at the university level. [ext] Myongji University in Seoul is currently the only academic institution in the world with a baduk department."

( Daebul University in Korea also has a Baduk department, according to a March 4, 2009 Korea Joong Ang Daily newspaper article.[1])

The Department of Baduk Studies was established in 1997, for the first time in world history, to pursue an academic study of baduk. (...) the Department of Baduk Studies has been set up with the following aims:

  1. To promote students Baduk strength above the 5 dan level
  2. To acquire a deeper knowledge of life from Baduk culture
  3. To develop and educate the leaders in the field of Baduk
  4. To teach necessary foreign languages to those who can introduce Baduk culture to the world.

The Department teaches Baduk theory and technique systematically, researches Baduk culture in depth, and acquires wide and various knowledge related to Baduk. The graduates will make proper Baduk leaders in Korea and also in foreign countries. (...)[2]

The students who major in Baduk Studies will acquire 5-dan level or above, and foreign language skills so that they can work as experts in the various fields of Baduk. The graduates can create and develop their own professional fields by utilizing the abundant resource of the Korean Baduk community. Many graduates will work in Korea as leaders, Baduk academics, Internet programmers, Baduk writers/columnists/journalists, Professional players, and managers of Baduk businesses; and some could be dispatched to foreign countries as instructors.

History of the Department

  • 1997 Baduk Instruction Studies was established in the College of Arts and Physical Education as a course
  • 1998 Promoted as an independent Department in the College of Arts and Physical Science
  • 1999 Enrollment quota was increased to 30
  • 2000 The first Bachelor of Art in Baduk Studies appeared
  • 2001 Graduate School of Baduk Studies was opened
  • 2003 The first Master of Art in Baduk Studies appeared

[ext] Courses/curriculum

Myongji University hosts the International Conference on Baduk.


On 25th March 2024, the university decided to discontinue the department. No new entrants are allowed.

Students at the ~~ University:

See also

Myongji University last edited by hnishy on June 20, 2024 - 13:53
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