There are 2 distinct Go programs which share the name MuGo
The first is , the second is documented below.
- board size: 2-52 (big boards: saving gives clean sgf)
- support for rectangular boards (up to 2x52)
- sgf collection support
- branch view
- tabbed interface
- customize board/stones
- automatic replay
- uses Qt-widgets (compiled for both, Windows and Unixes)
Problems / Solutions, Bugs
- 1.1.3-1: doesn't remember last open / save location after restart
- 1.1.3-1: move back gives sound of stone-clack (not a bug, but irritating)
Users' Comments and Reviews
- RueLue: (vers.1.1.3-1) no help file(s) (o.k., most functions are standard), only few shortcuts, engines setup: how to add "Remarks"? Other similar programs for Linux: Quarry, qGo (this also for Windows).