
    Keywords: Software

Author: Paul Pogonyshev and others
License: GPLv2
Price: none (sept.'12)
Category: editor, GUI for engines
Operating system: Linux
Reads format(s): sgf, ugi/ugf[1]
Writes format(s): sgf (export:...
...ascii for usenet, ascii for SL)
Languages: English, en-GB, fr, pl, ru
Stable Version: 0.2.0 (nov.'06)
Development status: discontinued
Homepage: [ext] http://home.gna.org/quarry/
Size of installer: 600kby-3mby
Size if installed: 1.2mby-11mby
Connect to engine(s) by GTP: yes
Number of engine presets: >16
Infos last checked:

Quarry is a free editor and GUI for GTP engines for - at present - Go, Amazons and Reversi (a.k.a. Othello.).

The program has originally been written by Paul Pogonyshev and is only for Linux machines.

Notice from Quarry's current web page ([ext] http://home.gna.org/quarry/): Sorry, this project is discontinued. If you want to take over and become new maintainer and developer, post to the mailing list. (this notice is from 2008)


  • Play engine games with time control: absolute time, byoyomi style or Canadian style.
  • Let two different engines play against each other.
  • Markers are circle, cross, square, triangle, check mark, digit, letter.
  • Search for text in comments and node names.
  • Fast adding and editing of node names.
  • Export diagrams as ascii for Sensei's.
  • For the complete features list see: [ext] http://home.gna.org/quarry/


Ubuntu installs version 0.2

The installation may include gnugo and an engine for reversi (othello): grhino.

Download the latest version for compilation at [ext] http://download.gna.org/quarry/

User Remarks

RueLue (not yet user): I wonder, if it can be compiled for Windows machines. (they say "for Linux only")
Quarry (0.2.0) has no named-nodes-list. CGoban has this list, but sadly only in the off-line editor. Problem: when you prepare a game for an on-line lesson, you give names for important points of the game (e.g. missed tesuji, bad form,...). And online you could open the list and go directly to that node.



[1] There was work on Quarry (and sources were online as "stable") but that version disappeared (new features in Quarry 0.3.0: UGI (UGF, IGS) file import, Guess mode). I know, I saw this online, possibly at gitorious. Maybe Paul Pogonyshev or another coder worked on it, but don't want to publish it anymore. Clues of this can still be seen at [ext] archive.org. --RueLue

Quarry last edited by on January 16, 2016 - 23:27
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