Welcome Visitor! :D
My real name is Meikel Brandmeyer. I'm a math student from Kaiserslautern/Germany. I play Go for one and half year now. The Go-virus caught me in January 2003. Being a 20k back then I played my first tournament in Karlsruhe. This motivated me and I started playing more seriously in the sense of doing some work to improve my ability.
Currently I am around 11k on KGS (nickname: Mikesh).
I don't know whether one can call me a pupil of victim, but I'm officially in his study group. At least we play from time to time.
Fast-Forward 6 years:
I haven't played since 5 years. :( Now I'm probably back at 15k, but I want to start again. I still love this game. It's similar to mathematics: get caught once, never leave it behind...