Maeda Nobuaki / Discussion

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rmsp I was recently told by a 5d that I should get "Maeda's Life and Death books in Japanese". Are these the volumes that I'm looking for? I found them on (I think), along with a 350 page Tsumego Dictionary (I think). Could somebody confirm that I have the books identified correctly, and perhaps give me a recommendation? Thanks!

My guesses from Amazon's kanji:

置碁検討録〈上〉 First volume?

置碁検討録〈中巻〉 Second volume?

置碁検討録 下 新装版 (3) Third volume?

置碁辞典 Tsumego dictionary

Bill: Those all relate to handicap go (置碁). What you want are these:

前田初級詰碁 Maeda introductory / beginning level tsumego

前田中級詰碁 Maeda intermediate level tsumego

前田上級詰碁 Maeda upper / advanced level tsumego

These are classic excellent tsumego books. They are still available on

Velobici: 上 is the first volume of two or three. 中 is the middle volume of three. 下 is the last or final volume of two or three.

Chris Hayashida: Actually, isn't that backwards? I read it as upper, middle, and lower (in level.) So I'd think that 下 is the easiest volume...

unkx80: Nope, Velobici is right. Please distinguish this from 初级 (beginner), 中级 (middle level) and 高级/上级 (advanced).

Shaydwyrm: Can anyone confirm that these are the correct ISBNs?

  • Volume 1: 4488000045
  • Volume 2: 4488000053
  • Volume 3: 4488000061

Bob McGuigan: These are the correct ISBNs. These are remarkable books, real classics having been in print for some 40 years. I own copies of the 12th printing, from 1978, when Japan didn't put ISBNs on books. The versions available from are from a different publisher than mine but are the same in content.

Shaydwyrm: Sadly, appears to be out of stock, as are the various online japanese bookstores I've managed to babelfish effectively. I don't suppose anyone knows another way to get these? Otherwise, I suppose if the books are still in print they'll come back into stock eventually.

I´ve got volume 1 and 3. I´m looking for volume 2. Can anybody help me. A sgf file of the 210 problems would be sufficient. paul

Maeda Nobuaki / Discussion last edited by on May 17, 2005 - 01:09
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