
    Keywords: Culture & History

1) Jun-Meijin (準名人, Semi-Meijin) is a Japanese go term and title during the Edo period of Japanese go, and was equivalent to the rank of 8-dan. In earlier eras, a different term Han-Meijin (半名人, Half-Meijin) was used. Throughout their periods of usage, these titles were accorded to seventeen players.

Name                  Years of promotion - death
Yasui Santetsu           1612-1652
Hayashi Monnyusai        1612-1667
Honinbo Sanetsu          1630-1658
Yasui Senkaku            1700-1737
Hayashi Bokunyu Monnyu   1721-1740
Inoue Sakuun Inseki      1721-1735
Hayashi Incho Monnyu     1727-1745
Yasui Shuntetsu Senkaku  1737-1775
Inoue Shunseki           1734-1772
Yasui Senchi Senkaku     1780-1814
Honinbo Retsugen         1788-1808
Honinbo Genjo *           1808-1832
Yasui Chitoku Senchi *    1814-1838
Hayashi Genbi Monnyu     1819-1861
Inoue Genan Inseki *     1828-1859
Honinbo Shuwa *          1847-1873
Ito Showa                1869-1878 (Note: The only Jun-Meijin that was never the head of any house.)
*: These four were called the "Igo Shitetsu" (Four Sages) and considered the best among jun-meijins.


It should be noted that 17th-18th century dates are approximate as to when 8 Dan was achieved.

2) Jun-Meijin tournament (準名人戦) was planned in 1944 for 7-dan players for rank promotion, but cancelled due to worsening situation in the Pacific War.

Jun-Meijin last edited by hnishy on July 16, 2024 - 09:21
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