Interactive Life And Death

    Keywords: Life & Death

Eric Osman


#2 #10 #13 #12 #11 #1
Black to play (Please think, then click on a spot)  

This is problem 16 in the intermediate level problems of Liping Huang's Problem Series Volume 1, the thin orange softcover book published by Slate and Shell.

Please click on board where you'd like to play .

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Please do not scroll down ! Click one of the letters on the board instead. (The rest of this page is merely the database, designed to be revealed to you as you click on the highlighted letter spots on the board.)


#16 #7 #17 #18
Black to play  

You killed the eye at B1 . W starts to divide the remaining area up into two eyes with W2.

Now where do you play ?

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#15 #14 #4 #3
Black to play  

Black has shrunk white's eyespace with B1. White blocks resolutely with W2 . Please click where you continue.


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Black has failed  

Black kills one of white's eyes with B3 . White makes two eyes in the corner.

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#5 #8
Black to play  

Black reduces White to one corner eye by playing B3 . White makes an eye with W4 . What do you do now ?

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White plays  

Black has cut with B5 and put himself into atari. White will eventually be in atari, which can only be relieved by capturing with Wd

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Black succeeds !  

When white captures 4 stones with W1, black atari's back at B2 to remove white's second eye with the under the stones tesuji. THIS IS THE ANSWER ! Congratulations.

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#8 #9
Black to play  

Black played B3 to prevent white playing there and completing two eyes. White blocks at W4 since if Black plays there, White only has one eye.

Is there any hope for Black now ? Which point do you want to try ?

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Black fails  

Black connects at B5, and eventually all the White stones will be in atari, and white will be forced to capture at W6. The resulting 4-space is sufficient for two eyes. Black has failed.
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White lives  

Black is tries playing in the corner with B5. White will eventually be in atari and have to capture Black's stones with W6, and has two eyes, so Black has failed.

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Black failed  

Black has tried a placement at B1. White blacks at W2. An interesting attempt by Black is B3, but it doesn't quite work. White can answer at Wf. Notice that instead of Wf, Wa would be a mistake because then Bb would make a seki.

(Someone remarked recently that the reason you don't see many sekis in professional games is that seki usually results from someone having made a mistake!)

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Black fails  

In response to B1, white maximizes the corner eye space with W2. Now White can either make a second eye with Wa, or make sufficient room for two eyes in the corner with Wf.

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Black fails  

Black attempts to something by playing B1 in the corner. White calmly maximizes the eye space with W2, after which if Black takes away white's outside eye with Ba, White can divide the corner into two eyes by playing Wb.
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Black fails  

Black has tried the inside placement of B1. White maximizes the corner eye space with W2 after which if Black takes away White's outside eye at a, White can live by throwing in at b .

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Black fails  

Black tries the corner but White easily lives by capturing.

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Black fails  

Black plays the placement of B3 but White lives by capturing at W4.

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Black failed  

Black attempts to push into White's corner with B3 but W4 completes two eyes in the corner.
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Black failed  

Black ataris on the inside with B3 and White makes two eyes in the corner by capturing.

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Black fails  

Black tries the corner but White easily lives by capturing.

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Interactive Life And Death last edited by Unkx80 on July 7, 2024 - 20:53
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