Improve your Intuition

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Improve Your Intuition
By: Takagawa Kaku
Publisher: Slate and Shell, 2001
ISBN10 1-9706193-2-4 for all three
38, 42, 44 pp.

Improve Your Intuition is a set of three paperback pamplets (about 40 pages each) by Takagawa Kaku published in 2001 by Slate and Shell based upon articles that appeared in Go Review, called Improve Your Perception.

Volume 1: Intuition in the Opening
[ext] sample pages, [ext] publisher's blurb

Volume 2: Intuition in the Middle Game Part 1: Attack and Defense
[ext] sample pages, [ext] publisher's blurb

Volume 3: Intuition in the Middle Game Part 2: How to Reduce a Moyo

[ext] sample pages, [ext] publisher's blurb


David Carlton's [ext] review

LordOfPi: The book, volume 3, has 44 pages and deals mainly about different kinds of moyos and how to reduce them efficiently. It talks about moyos around different corner enclosures and Hoshi - formations (i.e. Hoshi with knight's move extension). The book also explains various attachments on corner enclosures and how and when to use them.
I found this book quite hard but it helped me (especially the descriptions of those funny looking shimari attachments that I never really understood). The book is probably suited best for the 10k-5k range. I wouldn't recommend to read it before 10k.

Table of Contents

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Sample Material

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Improve your Intuition last edited by on August 19, 2013 - 21:53
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