Honibo 1986 title game 1 review with AI
White is Takemiya Masaki, Black is Yamashiro Hiroshi, komi is 5.5 Original review here by Dieter using KataGo.
With Katago's assessment of fair compensation being 6-7 points, Black starts with a 1 point advantage. The influence oriented is typical of Takemiya's cosmic style.
used to be a common answer to the double approach but nowadays attaching to one of the two approaches is considered better. was Takemiya's typical way to treat the corner lightly and emphasize outside influence.
is another cosmic move not on KataGo's radar. When again stresses the center, leaving a big territorial move like A for grabs, KataGo thinks White has dropped behind to 4.5 points. Locally KataGo prefers the hanging connection at B, globally the urgent C in the upper right corner or any of the cuts in the lower right.
While KataGo usually is not easily impressed with such grand scale central play and keeps focusing on corners and sides, the opponents in Takemiya's time would be wary of giving him too much of what he wants. Hence and , forming a viable shape amidst White's influence. goes after the shape immediately.
When reinforces, Yamashiro probably goes into anti-cosmic mode, attacking White's shape at . Easy moves, like A or B, abound but if Black really wants to fight back early, C is a vital point in the fight White just abandoned. White's defence at is likewise inefficient.
The next moves all deal with the left side and the center. Black makes sure this side can't become easy money for White, while White keeps an eye on Black's center stones.
KataGo indicates the left side is wide enough to deal with later and the urgency is still with existing groups at A and B. With each move Black's lead flipflops between 2.5 and 5.5
cuts White on a global scale, which again seems to play along with Takemiya's style. KataGo would take up a position on the side. Being an approach in itself, indeed A looks like a natural move to play.
White sacrifices his central power to convert the right side into a huge potential territory. This shows the versatility of Takemiya's game. If the opponent denies him a natural center, he cashes in on the alternate value.
It's noteworthy that KG continues to present A as the biggest move, while things are happening elsewhere. invades the lower left.
Up until now, mistakes in KG's perception were either small or global decisions. might be the first real big mistake on the technical level. KataGo thinks it's time to play away and is slow. resumes the central pressure. Needless to say, KG thinks the urgency is elsewhere.
The reason why Black shouldn't fear the lower left is shown here. ALthough White can create a bent four in the corner, exposes the weaknesses on the outside. Black can cut at A or push in at B, which then creates two cutting points.
Perhaps Yamashiro thought connecting at was honte and a stepping stone for countering White's prospects here?
KG thinks could have been played more actively at . By now, White's cosmic approach is paying off. Black's groups center and side are surprisingly unhealthy. If KataGo already finds the game even, it is probably becoming difficult for Yamashiro.
White's counter at leaves enough cutting points for Black to tenuki now, says KG. Black obviously doesn't take the risk. destroys Black's shape.
takes a break from the fighting to finally play where KG wanted to play for a long time. gives sente back to White. The empty triangle of turns up the heat again but KG prefers the calm shape move of A.
and are mistakes. should have been at A and the reason is that can counter at . KG evaluates the loss of at about 8 points. Let's look at the diagram:
White can solve all his problems at the bottom with good territory and still move out at . This would give him a 4 point lead.
However, Black misses a chance with and the lead goes to waste. White can strengthen his stones too easily. See next diagram
Perhaps this severe alternative was dismissed by Yamashiro because the diagonal at A is not easy to see. It threatens a ko to the left, while also affecting the life and death of the other white group. White doesn't have the time to deal with all the cutting points.
creates a new front: the upper right. Takemiya will also make use of his overall strength to harass the upper left.
The game continues to fluctuate between 0 and W+4 but on the whole, Takemiya is rather comfortable from now on.
Other commentaries of this game
Takemiya himself reviews this game in his book Cosmic Go (Chapter 3, game 4) under the section title "Dancing in the sky". That book gives the year of 1985 for this game. Here's how his review starts: "It is said that fuseki plays should mostly be on the third and fourth lines. However, I advise you not to believe this. Let me show you a game where I played a very unusual move. The tobi at 10 reflects my character: I like taking my time."