Gregory Wonderwheel
In 1986 I was up to 1 kyu in my local Go club in Sonoma County, Calif., but not having played at all after 1993 I have become very rusty. I discovered online Go in July '08 and am now (8/08) between 8 & 9 kyu on KGS.
My personal blog is at Turning the Wheel of Wonder
One of my passtimes is translating Issa haiku. I have signed up at David Lanoue's great website Haiku of Kobayashi for the "Issa-a-day" daily email of an Issa haiku and will make my own translations when moved.
Here are some:
Mountain viewing and
sea viewing and the autumn's
evening, wow!
The full moon there,
working the night shift --
the reed warbler
At the mountain temple:
tea, nuts, red bean jam, also
petals of chrysanthemum