Black wins the semeai. In a real game, even a strong fighter might miss .
Bob Myers: A wonderful tesuji, but not an empty triangle as the term is commonly used, so in that sense this problem is in the wrong place.
Hans: What about black 1?
ChaoSpectre: What about it? I know this is presumptuous for a DDK to say, but doesn't making the bamboo joint here encourage a seki here? Or something else? Playing here is a very nice move, indeed, but doesn't it give sente to white? I can't exactly play this position out from here, so I may be missing out on some huge detail. Would somebody (Possibly Hans?) play this out after ?
Mef: As far as I can tell, white will at least be able to get a ko with through .
Bill: is still the key point. White cannot connect.
Likewise, in the previous diagram, should be at .