atulab: here makes an eye, which kills black hopes of doing anything here
so black must prevent this eye at all costs:
this ends in a ko which could be what we're looking for ... but as it is taken first by white, there should/could be better lines of play
I believe this is the solution. I spent a long time searching through sources online to make sure this was even the correct problem, but no sources differed so I went ahead and came up with a solution. This is clearly a huge blind spot for me because I have no idea why this solution even works Anyway, Here it is:
Edit: I know why it works. I had been throwing in where white plays 7 and 5. It's very key NOT to do this.
Atulab's ko solution is the best resistance by white. It's not bad for black because he has at least 1 local threat to escape at J15. --gnostic?
Herman: Yes, these diagrams demonstrate nicely why white should play as in atulab's second diagram.
unkx80: gnostic, could you use proper convention when making diagrams. In particular, removing all numbered stones should result in the starting position. =)
ThorAvaTahr From the viewpoint of style, white's order of connection would be as in this diagram. The result remains the same of course, but the average size of ko threats is slightly decreased.