Gokyo Shumyo, Section 1, Problem 97 / Attempts
unkx80: I find this a difficult problem.
Dieter: Me too, unkx80.
a is an half-eye, but if the
stones get captured, then a becomes a full eye.
doesn't look necessary here, but it is [1]:
Dieter: Up 'till
is part of the solution. The next move to think about is the astute
unkx80: Looks like there are a few ways of solving this. One which looks nicer might be this.
Dieter: Yes. I now understand why that white stone on the upper left komoku is in place. But let's leave it here. You are a quick thinker unkx80.
unkx80: Which komoku is it?
Anon: Black should play 5 at a.
Black isn't going anywhere.
Black isn't going anywhere.
I have seen this given as the final part of the solution.
Bill: For a while I thought that
was a good move. ;-) I missed
, which I now think is correct.
One point is that, thanks to
, White can afford to play