Go Alphabet

    Keywords: Humour

Jan: (Feel free to improve this SinterklaasRijm - especially where the go knowledge is concerned.)

A is for atari, one liberty left,
B is for boshi, you can't go ahead,
C is for cutting, your group's split in two,
D is for deiri, double the count, 'cause that's what Bill'd  do.
E is for eye. Times two is two eyes.
F is for Fuseki, You'd better think twice.
G is for gote, now don't lose your step.
H is for heavy, or you'll have handicap.
I is for invading, or you will have less.
J is for joseki, the opening; just like in chess.
K is for ko, no back and forth.
L is for ladder: just break it (for what's it worth).
M is for miai: same all the way round
N is for nigiri: how many stones have you found?
O is for oba; go grab'em; they're rare.
P is for Pi: a movie that's square.
Q is for quitting, which you will not do.
R is for reading - you'll learn it too!
S is for sente, you're one move ahead.
T is for tsumego, better check if you're dead.
U is for urgent, a move you should know when to do
V is for vital, if you can't find them, you haven't a clue.
W is for wariuchi, play on the side.
X is for crossing lines, where stones are laid.
Y is for yosu-miru, you'll get his gist.
Z is for zed, the end of the alphabet list.



Confused: Reformatted the list and change entry for X. The old entry was: X is for ..., this isn't complete 'cause I lied.

Andrew Grant Excuse me... but I composed the Go Alphabet many years ago. Ahem...

A's for Atari, one liberty left,
B is for Black Stones, of eyes all bereft;
C is for China, where Go was invented,
D is for Dan players who drive you demented;
E is for Eyes - go without if you dare,
F is for Fighting with tactical flair;
G is for Grovelling in gote abjectly,
H is for Hamete - answered correctly;
I's for Ikken-tobi - a move seldom wrong,
J's for Joseki, both short ones and long;
K is for Ko fights, a source of much strife,
L's for the Liberties needed for life;
M's for the Meijin, a strong Japanese,
N's for Nine stones, to put Black at his ease;
O's for Ogeima, the weakest of joints,
P's for Ponnuki, that's worth thirty points;
Q is for Quickly, how lightning Go's played,
R's for Resigning, completely dismayed;
S is for San-san, a corner quite small,
T's for the Taisha, not easy at all;
U's Uttegaeshi (a snap-back to you),
V is for Victory by one point or two;
W's Watari, to cross underneath,
X marks the spot where your group came to grief;
Y is for Yose, where wins slip away,
And Z's Zoku-suji, which means "vulgar play".

Oryx: added hyperlinks to both lists

Go Alphabet last edited by on October 12, 2004 - 04:27
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