Game FAQs

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It was the 26th day of the sixth month of the 2005th year of the Gregorian Calendar. The Kiseido Go Server had, for the time being, recovered from the momentous, earth-shattering arrivals of Dootar and HotTuna. It was on this day that the earth shook and the heavens opened. It was on this day that the Kiseido Go Server was shaken to its very foundations in an event so awesome and miraculous, that one cannot hope to reduce it to mere words. To the untrained eye, it could have been the day the Big Bang happened. It was on this day, that GameFAQs arrived on KGS.

GameFAQs started his trek towards Cho U's hawtness(skill) with spectacular wins against well known players of the community such as Dootar, "The Silent Killer" and IdiotBot. It seemed hopeless for him, tedium began to set in until he met HotTuna, who was going under the name FSpaladez, that then GameFAQs truly began to blossom.

GameFAQs was reminded of a song lyric, "I once was blind, but now I see" after their meeting that fateful day. He would never forget it. He also found something else, his resolve. His resolve was to be the greatest Pokemon mast- er.. to be the greatest go player ever that never turned professional. To him, it didn't matter if the title ran on too long.

Soon GameFAQs was to realize that the road to greatest Pokemon mast - er... Go player was a rocky one. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't defeat a particular lynx. GameFAQs started to slip into a depression.

Game FAQs last edited by Dieter on July 25, 2008 - 11:33
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