Hot Tuna

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This is the story of a guy called SolarPalaz?. This is the story of a guy called FSpaladez. But most of all, this is the story of a cool dude called HotTuna.

The year was 2005. The month was of March. A punk was thawing himself out from the hold reaches of winter in southern Florida. He anxiously watched the news every day, waiting for when it would be warm enough to take a step outside. And finally it came- a weekend, and it was 80 degrees outside. He steeled himself at the door, prepared to throw himself back inside if it proved too chilly. He walked out of the house... it was wonderful! The birds were singing and the sun was shining. He laughed and smiled and twirled around in a field of daisies.

He did that for about fifteen minutes and got bored, so he went back inside. But his nature demanded that he do something, antagonize someone, so he thought and thought as to what to do. He had an idea. His girlfriend had recently turned him inside out in a game of Go, shaming him and his ancestors forever. He figured the least he could do was practice a bit online. And so it was in the third month of the 6th year of the new millenium that SolarPalaz? burned his way onto KGS.

Entering the bustling hub of American Go that was the English Game Room, all around him he heard whiny questions and stuck up answers. Considering for a second, he slowly took his glasses off. Everyone stopped and stared. Then, he cut them all down with one scathing sarcastic remark. SolarPalaz? had landed.

He soon found himself spending most of his time in the Stupid room. Every few days he would throw himself into the fray that was the EGR, but mostly he chilled in the lower-key Stupid house. It was on one of these forays into the English room, six months after his arrival at KGS, that he found himself watching a conversation between jetio, the owner of the then almost popular DemonWolf? room, and a newcomer called GameFAQs. Jetio was imploring GameFAQs to join her room, and after several quite serious refusals, he gave in. SolarPalaz? was now going as FSpaladez, and GameFAQs and Spaladez soon became comrades against the onslaught of excessive punctuation and overly vocalized emotions that was the Demon Wolf room.

Only later would he become HotTuna and rule over KGS with an iron fist. Only later would he become the strongest 6 kyu in history.

Hot Tuna last edited by on January 5, 2008 - 08:28
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