Final Summit
The third installment of John Fairbairn's series of commentaries on Go Seigen's games, Final Summit covers a ten-game match between Go and Takagawa Kaku Honinbo organized by the Yomiuri Shinbun and played between July 1955 and November 1956.
Table of Contents
The Players
Game 1: The one with the purple clouds
Game 2: The one where the losing move was praised
Game 3: The one with the two doolally ko fights
Game 4: The one with the candles and crabs
Game 5: The one with the new house
Game 6: The one with all the mistakes
Game 7: The one with angry billows and little to see
Game 8: The one with the breakthrough
Game 9: The one with the lakes
Game 10: The one with the suits
Appendix 1: Go and Takagawa's three-game matches
Appendix 2: Complete list of surviving games between Go and Takagawa
Appendix 3: Technical notes
Sample Material
Sample pages from Slate & Shell.