Don't descend, connect

    Keywords: Tactics
Black to play  

Black to play and settle the top side shape.

This situation comes from the 4-4 point, double low approach.

Black to play  

We commonly play at B1, but this is slow, and, if B3 is necessary, this is gote.

Black to play  

Instead, we play B1, which is sente. White should not omit W2 or a black play there might be sente. The other advantage of playing W2 is that it induces a cutting point at a.

Phelan: This seems to be a case of OneTwoThree.

Arieh Question - The cutting point at a seems to completely undermine the purpose of settling the shape. I'm only a beginner, but it seems to be me that if white plays a here, black is in very bad shape, so the gote play in the previous diagram is preferable. Also, I don't think white has to play 4 immediately. White can cut at a in sente, protect the cutting stone by extending and threatening white's triangle above and then play 4.


Bill: If W1 cuts, B2 can catch it in a ladder. If White tries to escape with W3, B4 continues the ladder. On an empty board White will eventually be captured. (It is possible that a White stone will break the ladder. But unless we see such a stone in a diagram, the convention is that it does not exist.)

Don't descend, connect last edited by on April 9, 2007 - 16:04
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