Choice Go

    Keywords: Variant

This variant is similar to Forced Takeback Go, but instead of takeback, the player names two moves, and the opponent chooses one of those moves to be played. This means miai points aren't so miai, since you may be unable to play the response. After two passes, the game turns back to regular go.

The (very small) difference is that, in Forced Takeback Go, you don't know the 2nd move that the opponent has planned. Because of this, in Forced Takeback Go, if you see a trick tesuji, you'd look for another move that the opponent is likely to want taken back. After you take it back, you play the tesuji, and the opponent can't say, "I liked the first move better!"

Choice Go here instead forces you to look for more than one good move every move. Granted, in life and death positions, you may find killing and saving basic shapes very difficult. Although your intent is obvious, you must always search for superior or approximately equal value moves, which is good for you, also.

This variant was actually intended to be a really tough handicap condition, where Black gets the choosing but White must take whatever Black plays. It's much tougher than it would seem at first! Lavalyn estimates that it's worth about 21 handicap stones. Don't try giving this handicap to anybody stronger than 20k - you're GOING TO LOSE!

Choice Go games on SL:

  • ChoiceGoGame3, in which Jonii gave Namii the Choice Go handicap in exchange for 7 stones on a 9x9 board.

It should be noted that White wins by resignation in all three games.


This page was WikiMasterEdited by ChessWhiz.

Choice Go last edited by on July 19, 2009 - 04:08
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