Choice Go Game 2
Keywords: Ongoing game
How much is Choice Go Handicap worth?
ChessWhiz and dnerra will try it out on a 9x9. ChessWhiz gets black, 5 stones and 5.5 komi, dnerra gets Choice Go Handicap.
: I have to hold this together somehow...
: I take the other one again.
: I'm getting the same feeling. I think a good handicap may even be 7 or 8...
: I'll go on attack. I start getting the feeling that 5 stones may not be enough to make up for the Choice. What do you think?
: Take your pick. Do you want me to be overconcentrated or attackable? (Alternative was at a)
: Ok, ok...
: Yeah, yeah, stop bragging and take those three stones.
: " we can mess this up" says the man who cannot make use of atari :-)