Chinese Go Terms / Translation Requests

Sub-page of ChineseGoTerms


What is the meaning of all these characters together?
倒睡莲 ( dào shuì lián )
I encountered it on a Chinese site.

John F. It's the Tiger Lily opening, used from late Ming to early Qing. It should be chui not shui.

tderz Thank you, JohnF. So the opening/Joseki is called '[ext] Tiger Lily'? (nice flower, by the way, I didn't know this name)
John, do you say its dàochuìlián instead of dàoshuìlián? Or is it dàochuílián ? The only character which looks a bit similar to me is (锤 chuí), assuming some native writer made an error. Is it another reading of the character ;&#30561 (quite unexpected) or
is it 锤 chuí ? This here was my source: [ext] Many thanks in advance, Tommie.

John F. It's chui2, Unicode 6782. The meaning is drooping. To be pedantic, although the primary meaning of daochuilian is the lotus-like flower, the usage as the name of a wren-like bird is perhaps commoner. There is really no indication of which image the opening is meant to symbolise, which has made me wonder whether the phrase is a pun. For example, chuilian refers to an empress holding court from behind a screen, and one can (at a pinch) imagine the opening symbolising this (Black 3 coming from behind), but that is really just pure speculation. Best stick with Tiger Lily and Rupert the Bear.

Rupert the Bear is unknown to me too. tderz Thank you for your efforts, JohnF. I asked enough about 倒垂莲 dàochuílián and you gave extensive explanations. On [ext] 垂 gets Unicode number 5782.

That implies that the editors on the Chinese Website above committed a witing error!

unkx80: Typos are relatively common on Chinese websites, probably due to the difficulty in entering characters. A common kind of user interface for entering Chinese characters is to first enter the Hanyu Pinyin or Wubixing (五笔型), and then select the desired character from a list of characters usually displayed in small font. Lots of room for errors, I say. By the way, 睡 means zzzzzz.

John F. Rupert is a famous children's character in England. Unlike Thomas the Tank Engine it obviously hasn't gone international, but Tiger Lily, Rupert's friend, was a Chinese girl whose father was a conjurer. This Chinese conjurer used to scare me witless as a child.

tderz Now I see the conncetion between the two!

tderz: 飞刀 (飛刀) - fēi dāo - (question : meaning = joseki hamete? (found it as book title 'dingshi yu feidao'

'Feidao' in context of corner sequences implies complicated variations (including but not necessarily solely hamete)

The answer is 'no'! I've read the book and some of the variations categorized as feidao, are not hamete (some others are) but simply complicated, but fair variations.
Flying knives (or 'flying daggers' in English?) seems simply to imply 'complicated variations of corner sequences' (including hamete).

I added below to Go terms

  • 剖析 - pōuxī dissection / self-analysis

However I am not sure about it's use: could this also be used to mean or encompass tewari? (tderz)

步调 bù diào ?

unkx80: Rhythm.

tderz: Dear JohnF, native speakers and sinologists, in the following book title:

  • 倪林強圍棋步步高形勢判斷和作戰(倪林强围棋步步高形势判断和作战)
  • Ní Lín qiáng wéiqí bùbù gāo xíngshì pànduàn hè zuòzhàn
  • Ni Lin's strong Go - step by step - high level - circumstances decide/determine combat

would you translate & pronounce the 強, 强 as

    • jiàng = stubborn/unyielding or as
    • qiáng = strong ?

John F. No translation is needed - his name is Ni Linqiang (a 7-dan, born 1965).

Oepsie, the basic mistake, and the grammar would not have been correct either! (possessive part. missing). Thank you , John!

Chinese Go Terms / Translation Requests last edited by tderz on July 17, 2008 - 11:05
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