bugcat / Professionals List Thoughts

Sub-page of Bugcat

Here are my thoughts on the criteria required for a stable list of professionals.

The term "list" is used, but may more practically be read "lists".

1. Each entry should ideally link to an SL article, but the article's title or handle does not have to agree with the name given in the list.

2. The list needs to contain both a romanisation and the original language script for every entry possible. The provision of versions of names in other oriental scripts, or in Cyrillic etc. should be only optional.

3. Each original language script must be romanised using a single standard. However, a full integration with the Go4Go romanisations has to be achieved, by aliases and / or a comparison column. See Go4Go Korean. Apart from the standard romanisation and, perhaps, the Go4Go romanisation column, no other romanisations should be supplied. They can be added through aliases.

4. The list must be ordered by name, not rank, and arranged alphabetically.

5. I suggest that the following standards be used.

  • for Mainland Chinese players, toneless pinyin
  • for Taiwanese players, Wade-Giles
  • for Japanese players, Revised Hepburn with marked vowel length
  • for Korean players, McCune-Reischauer with its dashes and apostrophes

bugcat / Professionals List Thoughts last edited by bugcat on September 24, 2021 - 07:47
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