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This is an idea I had to make a simple ranking system based off of the seven big Japanese titles. The ranking system of Remi Coulom (and other such Elo / Glicko / etc. systems)

  • 1. Are mathematically complex
  • 2. Depend on single games rather than matches or tournaments
  • 3. Do not differentiate between different levels of game, eg. a game in the NHK Cup round 2 is weighted the same as the tiebreak game of the Honinbo final
  • 4. Do not correspond fully to who are playing for the big titles and are in the public eye

These are all fine qualities, but I made this other ranking system as a comparison (and for fun).


The tournaments in question: the big seven titles, ie. the Honinbo, Meijin, Oza, Kisei, Tengen and Gosei.

The time period of measurement: 2014-01-01 to 2016-12-31.

The weighting: 3 points for winning the title match. 1 point for winning the candidates' tournament but not the match.


The ranking:

  • #1 Iyama Yuta - 47 pts
  • #2 Takao Shinji - 6 pts
  • #3 Yamashita Keigo - 5 pts
  • #3 Murakawa Daisuke - 5 pts
  • #5 Kono Rin - 2 pts
  • #6 Ida Atsushi - 1 pt
  • #6 Yu Zhengqi - 1 pt
  • #6 Ichiriki Ryo - 1 pt


In comparison to the Goratings algorithm, Hsu Chiayuan (Goratings Japan #4) is nowhere to be seen; neither is Shibano Toramaru (GR JP #5). In contrast, we see Murakawa Daisuke (GR JP #18) ranked much more favourably. Ichiriki Ryo (GR JP #2) and Yu Zhengqi (GR JP #3) are ranked lower than with GR ranking.

bugcat/LaymansRanking last edited by bugcat on October 10, 2017 - 23:28
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