Best Practice - Joseki

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This page contains thoughts on how to best write or modify joseki pages on Sensei's Library. It is not about joseki themselves.

Navigating josekis

  1. Encourage the use of [ext] position search, whoever knows what he is looking for should use it. It is the shortest way.
  2. There is no need for over-comprehensive listings, Sensei's Library has a search function (and you can even link to specific search results).
  3. Indices and basic pages like (4-4 joseki) are meant for people, who do not yet know what to look for exactly. They should direct them to important material foremost.

Individual pages

  1. Statistics are good, an additional instructory example is even better.
  2. Better provide a reasoning, instead of a simple statement.
  3. If possible provide references, this need not be the latest joseki dictionary.
  4. If it is common enough and has a name, if only in your local club. Please add it to the page.
  5. Research yourself, game databases are a powerful tool in doing that. Since 2018 you can use AI additionally.
  6. Long pages may need a Table of Contents.

Tree depth

  1. It is sometimes necessary to split pages, but resist the temptation to split them too fine-grained with only one or two moves per page. People tried that before and failed.

Best Practice - Joseki last edited by Dieter on June 7, 2022 - 11:26
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