Andre Engels: Not a dan player's sequence certainly (both and
would be called 'unusual' at least), but I still want to say "Good".
12: Andre Engels: White should definitely have played atari at a before extending with . After
, a has become slightly less urgent, but still certainly big enough to be played by either player.
13: Andre Engels: Interesting idea, and not bad either.
15: Andre Engels: Black should probably play a first (as should White, any moment now).
17: Andre Engels: Modest. Spending too many moves to not-even-yet capture a stone.
19: Andre Engels: Good.
21: Andre Engels: The usual answer to in the previous diagram is at
23: Andre Engels: Joseki would be at a.
24, 25: Andre Engels: See the comments in the lower left corner.
27: Andre Engels: Good move.
29: Andre Engels: This is a success for White - Black has now played two moves on the second line here.
31: Andre Engels: Good, big.
32: Andre Engels: Inconsistent. Best would have been to play in the previous diagram here, but since White has played where she did play, it is bad now.
(the marked stone) is now in a bad position.
33: Andre Engels: Too vague.
35: Andre Engels: Strange shape.
36, 40: Andre Engels: These positions indeed needed playing out. However, the correct move for White is atari rather than descent in this position.
39: Andre Engels: Defending here is not a bad idea (probably not really necessary, but a good moment to think 'better safe than sorry'), but the correct shape would be Black a.
Andre Engels: White seems somewhat ahead.
Andre Engels: Black should probably start attacking the two white stones in the lower right. Another important question is how much territory White can make from her upper center framework.