Beginner Exercise 26 / Solution

Sub-page of BeginnerExercise26

W1 makes miai of the snapback at a and destroying the eye at b.


B2 offers the strongest resistance. However, W3 is atari, reducing Black's eye space in sente, and W5 kills.


See proverb Beginners play Atari. However, not all ataris are good. This is an example of a bad atari which should not be played. B2 connects, and now a and b are miai, so Black lives.


Within the space of the bent four, if Black were to play first, Black can live at B1 or a. Therefore the first move by White must be within the space of the bent four.

Wouldn't black rather live by playing at b or c instead of inside his own territory?

unkx80: Good point here, but the emphasis here is that white has to do something inside black's territory before he can even think of killing.


joshsz: My first thought was W1 to close off potential eyespace, but after looking at it some more I see that black can play at B2 and create two eyes.

Jacob4Jesus: B2 should be at a. As is, a and b make a false eye and W3 at b kills.

MrTenuki: Actually, B2 is enough because Black can respond to W3 at b with B4 at a. Essentially, White has one ko threat but nothing more. Now, playing B2 at a is indeed another valid option, although White still gets one ko threat at B2.

Strongest resistance?  

Mankarr: I am slightly confused by the solution stating B2 at the 1-3 point is the strongest resistance. Wouldn't B2 at the 1-2 point here be the strongest? I think White still needs to play W3 and after W5 Black still has a ko threat under the stones. Is my thinking flawed? Is the previous solution the stronger resistance due to White's shape?

MemeHunter?, unkx80

Beginner Exercise 26 / Solution last edited by Mankarr on September 25, 2011 - 11:17
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