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Advanced (dan players)

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Each day:

This allows you to study the opening and read and learn professionals’ perception of shape and fighting. If the game has variations, it is good to memorize them.

  1. Solve twenty L&D problems (problems you can solve in TEN minutes are the ones suited to your level). Don’t look at the solution before you come up with an answer you think is correct after reading many variations.
  2. Solve twenty tesuji problems: It deepens your perception of the shapes and makes it easier to find the correct shape in your own games.
  3. Play at least one game each day (at least 5 serious games per week) to practice what you have learned.
  4. Memorize one pro game (it is very good to memorize games with variations).

Each week:

  1. Take 1-3 lesson(s) with a qualified teacher. This will make it easier for you to: Learn from your mistakes and keep improving. Gain more knowledge about attack, defense and the endgame. Improve your opening and fighting strategy: “from which direction should you attack? When should you decide to kill?” Learn how to choose a joseki and how to choose the moves in the opening.
  2. Have two of your serious games reviewed by your teacher. The comments will point out your mistakes and correct your wrong thoughts. You should send the games for a review after thoroughly looking at them yourself and having tried to find your mistakes.
  3. Memorize and study fifteen familiar josekis and learn all the variations of the josekis including the wrong moves in order to understand the correct order and punish your opponents’ mistakes.

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AngYueGoSchoolStudyGuide/Advanced last edited by jared on March 19, 2006 - 03:02
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