After Joseki
fractic: I won this book by solving tsumego at one of Kim Sung-rae's lectures at the EGC2009. The book deals with positions that occur after common joseki. It explains the possible invasions and/or other aji left in the position. The josekis leading to the positions are josekis like the 3-3 point invasion after a pincer with a 4-4 stone or the attachment underneath after a high approach to a 3-4 point.
The sequences given in the book are detailed and have many variations. For each chapter there are some professional games given in which the situation discussed occurred . I think the content of the book can be quite easily applied to your own games. I'd recommend it.
PeterHB: One for the Yi Ch'ang-ho fans here. Quite a lot of the example games are Yi Ch'ang-ho winning in a clear and decisive fashion. This isn't a game commentary book but rather exactly what the title indicates, possible continuations immediately after a joseki has been played in a particular situation. He discusses about 3 variations for each situation, but summarises it with a conclusion saying which is judged the favourable continuation. Thus while not explaining the joseki, he does indicate the associated invasions and aji possibilities that can be exploited in the middle game, particularly due to the position of a nearby stone. This gives you a deeper understanding than just knowing a mere joseki sequence. At the end of the chapter discussing a technique, he includes some example game records, without commentary, illustrating the technique in professional games. The translation team of Scott Jankowski and Janine Boehme should be proud of themselves, as it is written in english untarnished by the errors present in some other korean translations.
Table of Contents
Part I : 4-4 point
Part II : 3-4 point
Part III : Other joseki
Game database references
Sample Material
to be added
Other Languages
- Nach dem Joseki. Schwach- und Angriffspunkte published by Brett und Stein Verlag in 2010.
- German review of the english edition at