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<old stuff> aceofspades is a new (summer of 2005) Go player and enthusiast in Vancouver. He is spades361 on KGS, although he unfortunately seems to study Go more often than playing it. Rank yet to be determined. Email is asafspades at gmail dott com. aceofspades thinks SL is awesome, and that the main way to work on the issue of article quality, discussed on pages like How To Use Wiki / Editing Freedom, is to strongly separate 'interactive' discussion pages that are posted on by various people, games, BQMs, etc., from reference material. He expects to write a lot on rules (e.g. Komi/Discussion). He is a very bad programmer, but sometimes programs nevertheless. He is working on his own version of wavefront analysis which would do something similar to [ext] this.

aceofspades is a former Israeli. Theoretically, if he knew how to set it up with Kiseido or such, he would like to translate some Go books into Hebrew. He also plans to translate some useful SL pages, if he works out the way to use Hebrew. </old stuff>


Hello, aceofspades.. I like the idea of having Go books in Hebrew. I suggest sticking to beginner-ddk level books because there won't be a high demand for much else in Israel (level of play needs to increase). Tell me if I can help in translation or anything (my e-mail is

                            - Shachar (a current Israeli)

aceofspades last edited by bugcat on September 19, 2021 - 04:24
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