3-4, 5-3 enclosure, capping reduction

    Keywords: Joseki

Please note the material at BQM566 and ReducingAnEnclosureFrameworkByCapping

3453 reduction  

This reduction is mostly played if Black has already built a framework from his corner enclosure.

Standard sequence (1)  

One possible continuation is this: Black builds territory at the top, White reduces further by playing forcing moves, leaning against the black corner, then jumps lightly with W7.

Andy: stronger players please comment, but one component of the idea that white is light here is that white can sacrifice W1, W3 and W5 as needed to build a wall with which to attack black+circle.

Other possible responses to W1 with sample continuations:

Standard sequence (2)  

White plays lightly at a. This is just one variation out of many.

Standard sequence (3)  

Instead of W7 White might play lightly at a. Locally Black gets a lot of territory but White gets strength facing the center so whether this is advantageous for Black depends on the whole board position.

Standard sequence (4)  

White intends to respond to Black a with White b.

Finally, depending on the overall position, Black can play tenuki after White's initial reduction move.

In all cases of this reduction move it is important for White not to become heavy, as doing so would make it easy for Black to attack.

There are many possible variations following all of these responses by Black. Which response is chosen depends heavily on the whole board position.

Do a search on the position to organize the material.

36th Kisei Game 1: Cho U vs. Takao Shinji  
11th Nongshim Cup: Kim Jiseok vs. Takao Shinji  
66th Honinbo Game 1: Yamashita Keigo vs. Hane Naoki  
39th Myeongin Game 1: Baek Hongsuk vs. Park Yeonghun  

3-4, 5-3 enclosure, capping reduction last edited by Jhyn on April 8, 2013 - 01:25
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