

Onsite Registration is often a problem

Many congresses have great difficulty with registration and the process has been known to take 8 hours per person. This clearly is frustrating for the congress customers and much care needs to be taken to reduce this to a more acceptable level. A target of no more than 30 minutes per person is a sensible aim.

Why is it a problem?

  • Large numbers of people arrive simultaneously
  • Language difficulties where the organisers and the registrant cannot communicate well
  • Prepared information is wrong or needs changing
  • Disputes over money or other arrangements

How to handle it

  • Plan well and try to think of all the nasty and awkward things that could happen - they will
  • Do a practice run, preferably with the same team of people - either at a genuine tournament or with a lot of actors
  • Allow space for each required function and let the functions flow from one spot to another with enough space for a queue between the functions. Never use one person/desk for two different functions
  • Provide a special disputes area to avoid creating a traffic jam, and when the dispute is resolved fit the registrant into the appropriate queue at the front
  • Provide (free) refreshments (water, cola...) if the queue gets too long.
  • Do not try to handle excursions at registration
  • Do not try to provide/sell lunches or dinners at registration - players will not yet know what facilities are available or what they want to do for meals

Functions required

In Strausberg in Germany most functions were in adjacent rooms providing lots of space and registration worked well.

See other Starting points.

Registration last edited by ArnoHollosi on August 7, 2014 - 17:35
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