Karl Knechtel: I'm wondering if, instead of showing "attempts" in addition to the /Solution for each problem, it would be better (at least for the beginniner problems) to use the page discussion to handle Q&A about problems. My understanding of the use of "attempts" pages elsewhere on SL is that they're intended to save progress temporarily on problems where noone on SL has a definite solution yet. If you think you have a solution, you can propose it in the page discussion. If you have a question, similarly. If you just want to test stuff out, there's no need to save the results (or you could just use the SandBox).
By "page discussion", do you mean the forum, or a /discussion subpage? I don't think forums are a good way to discuss variations, as it's not possible to, for example, edit someone else's diagram to add a letter or mark, therefore you get a lot of repetition of diagrams and the page quickly becomes unwieldy. If it should be on a subpage, then I don't see a big difference as to whether it's called /discussion or /attempts.
I think there is value in leaving "failed" attempts lying around. It's interesting, when solving a problem, to look at other people's attempts before looking at the solution.