This page is clearly inspired by the memory of a published article. I see no reason why SL can't study these shapes, but it would be proper to attribute the author and provide deshi analysis that is original and not repeats of what's in Craig's article. The "Go Shapes" series mentions that it is really an excerpt from a book called "Go Notes" by the same author, but I cannot find information about this book and I assume it was either self-published or unpublished.
"Inspired by the memory of..." is a far cry from "a copy of"...
At the moment there are 14 diagrams on this page, four of which appear in Craig's work--but three of those can also be found in Shape Up. There is plenty of discussion that is original with SL, and the author of the original article has now been attributed (there was never any intention to conceal his identity, it just took a few days to track down who he is).
I don't see any problem with the page as it stands.