Forum for 4-4 point low approach, tsukenobi, jump attachment
A question about a possible variation [#872]
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A question about a possible variation
(2007-02-11 15:18) [#3067]
Let's imagine for a moment that White thinks that Black cannot kill the cutting sequence starting at the circled point. What about omitting at a and cutting immediately ?
After , it seems to me that Black still needs to extend around , so in the end, White keeps sente like in the main variation. The difference is that White secured a large portion of the corner in the process without losing much (in my eyes).
What's the flaw in this thinking ?
potential for invasion is worth more than immediate profit?
(2007-02-12 01:17) [#3070]
Firstly, and probably most importantly, white has thrown away any opportunity to invade at or near 'b'. Secondly, if I were playing black I would force at 'a' before playing , and I would probably play at 'c' or 'd'. But this is just my opinion; a stronger player might have different ideas.
((no subject))
(2007-02-12 06:31) [#3071]
Allowing Black to atari at a is unbearable. It's wishful thinking that he will play at rather than a. There are no absolutes in Go, of course, but it would have to be a pretty special position for damage caused by a to be minimal enough that the profit in the corner is superior. In that case, White would probably have been better off choosing a different joseki than this anyway, like just invading 3-3.
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