Forum for 3-4 point Josekis
43 followed by 33 point invasion. Then what? [#788]
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43 followed by 33 point invasion. Then what?
(2006-12-15 12:26) [#2584]
I am confused about why pros play at . Why play there? And what are the joseki's for that? Thanks.
Re: 43 followed by 33 point invasion. Then what?
(2009-05-14 06:24) [#6045]
they play there usually because of the things happening on the board, joseki is usually the best moves that concern that area.
The next move would usually be 4-3
Re: 43 followed by 33 point invasion. Then what?
(2009-05-14 13:13) [#6048]
Though I'm not sure what the follow-ups would be, that move looks like a probe, to see how the opponent responds.
This would be a good question for the Big Question Mark section. Post it there! :)
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