scoring clarification [#432]
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scoring clarification
(2006-05-11 13:32) [#1545]
IMHO, both players score one point under japanese rules, because the "ko-stones" are dead, and count as prisoners. (they can be captured, and capturing them does not enable the opponent to play an uncapturable stone). If the ko-stones were not dead, i can not see, how the groups are formally in seki.
Am i right or wrong?
Re: scoring clarification
(2006-05-11 15:14) [#1552]
Under Japanese '89 rules dead stones are only removed from territory. Since there is no territory in seki, the dead stones are not removed and are not counted as points. See anti-seki.
((no subject))
(2006-05-11 15:40) [#1555]
I see. It's a bit counterintuitive that japanese rules distinguish territory from dame by ignoring dead stones, but not actually removing them. Thanks.
Re: ((no subject))
(2006-05-11 15:56) [#1556]
Counterintuitive? I think that the Japanese '89 rules are an abomination.
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