Forum for Professional

Alternative meaning of the word professional [#2907]

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RobertJasiek: Alternative meaning of the word professional (2013-07-11 10:11) [#9754]

For the record, I disagree with "The more general English usage of the word professional, denoting that a person has made something their profession and earns money from it, is not used in go". Professional can also be a shorthand for "professional go teacher", "professional go book author", "professional go book publisher" etc., regardless of whether such a person is an amateur player or professional player. For clarity in ambiguous context, it is a good idea to write explicitly "amateur player", "professional player", "amateur go book author", "professional go book author" etc.

Dieter: convenient (2013-07-11 11:48) [#9759]

Yes that would be convenient, wouldn't it: all other people writing and reading SL must adapt so that you can assert yourself as a professional.

It is perfectly fine to assert yourself as a professional: do so at your own website. Here, in the go community, we see you as an amateur, one who puts great effort in teaching and writing, potentially making a living from it, but still an amateur. Forcing that community to write "amateur player" so that your reputation as a professional teacher and writer would not be harmed, is usurpating the community for your own purposes.

Your point of view on the linguistics of the words professional or amateur is not only a minority view, it is also a non-expert view as you are not a native speaker and native speakers have confirmed at multiple occasions that the usage of professional would be interpreted as deceit. Forcing the community to be precise, where the common usage is understood by all, is not nice, to say the least.

The fact that your minority and non-expert view is also favoring your personal interest (you repeatedly told us you want to protect your reputation) make it even more malicious. And these are NOT random accusations. It is perfectly clear for me to see the pattern in your curving the terminology at SL towards your personal financial interests.

RobertJasiek: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 12:33) [#9761]

I am not "potentially making a living from it", but I live from it. Of course, as you might suspect, it is the art of surviving. BTW, something similar can apply also to other amateur players living from go activities.

What you call "usurpating the community for your own purpose" I call "making you aware that this instance of imprecise language use hurts my feelings". Many SL pages use disambiguation and attempt precision; why not also here? It is not necessary to call an attempt to approach a neutral point of view "usurpating".

Concerning your other points, they have already been discussed.

It is perfectly clear for me to see the pattern in your curving the terminology at SL towards your personal financial interests.

Do you refer to go terms, such as "stability" (whose current SL descrition "when its life and death status is very unlikely to change. A position is stable if the addition of a stone doesn't significantly alter the position." is a pity)? There are three possibilities: 1) Keep SL readers uninformed by not explaining the term better here. 2) Let me inform SL readers by explaining the term better here. 3) Complain about me and my financial interests to have described the term in a book, therefore prevent me from explaining the term here and wait several years or decades, until someone else informs SL readers of the term's detailed meaning.

Dieter: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 16:01) [#9762]

No content

Hogweed: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 18:11) [#9763]

Robert Jasiek has to be mindful of [ext] If he is going to add his book to this page, then it should be qualified with "recommended by the author". If he is going to introduce an alternative meaning for go professional, then we have to qualify that accordingly in a similar fashion.

RobertJasiek: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 18:48) [#9765]

Concerning the first books page, fair enough, thank you for the reminder! I have added the related note to the page in question.

Concerning the mentioned alternative meaning for "professional": I have written "professional", not "go professional"; the alternative meaning is not advertisement; it is meant to be a possible language use regardless of the specific person.

Slarty: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 20:32) [#9767]

As is blatantly obvious to anyone before or after reading the recent discussion, professional means Go professional here. Stop being inane.

RobertJasiek: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 21:23) [#9768]

I do not mind the equation, but I object to being cited wrongly.

Slarty: Re: convenient (2013-07-11 23:01) [#9769]

Obstructively abstruse. Better, almost.

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