Forum for 3-4 point high approach, two-space high pincer daidaigeima

answering with a keima ? [#2826]

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reply answering with a keima ? (2012-06-13 12:54) [#9495]

i got a hard time with my opponent answering with a keima i answered with a tobi but i got cut and the pincer stone became very good for w even though the ladder was good for me ( B )

Slarty: Re: answering with a keima ? (2012-06-13 17:50) [#9496]

Hmm. black+circle is not necessarily the only reply. This white+circle may be a little more effective at cutting and a little less effective at undermining black's left.

Dieter: ((no subject)) (2012-06-14 01:02) [#9497]

Are we talking about this continuation? Black has a strong position on the left side and some aji at a the top, wich he can start immediately or take extra influence at b instead.


This variation involves a ladder. If it works for Black, the result is great for him. This result is even more likely, if black+circle is at B2 immediately.


If W3 here, then Black can take the corner. This also looks good for Black, as White's pincer now is too close to the ponnuki. Maybe W7 and B8 should be interchanged but then too I prefer Black.

Black can choose between these diagrams. If neither the ladder works, nor the strong position on the left is desirable, perhaps he should not have stretched so far in the first place.

Slarty: Re: ((no subject)) (2012-06-14 06:42) [#9498]

The ladder variation can actually be great for White. Maybe that's what Mr/Ms meant.

Dieter: Re: ((no subject)) (2012-06-14 21:02) [#9499]



Perhaps B2 first? If White keeps up the pressure with W5, then the ladder is restored and White is cut.


However, there is this W7 ...

HermanHiddema: Re: ((no subject)) (2012-06-15 18:17) [#9500]

Depends on a ladder, I guess?


Now there are ladders with either a, b or c

B12 @ white+circle  

And this looks difficult for white too.

Slarty: Re: ((no subject)) (2012-06-16 05:17) [#9502]

The other variation is very strange and no cakewalk either, although your last diagram looks more difficult for black. I really do mean that these *can* be great for white. But maybe the result after a one-point jump instead of the keima response is a little more consistently good for white. Black has many choices after the keima.

Dieter: Re: ((no subject)) (2012-06-16 17:55) [#9503]

Dieter: something like this, and White floating? Not obvious at all to me what White can expect now: some kind of miai at a or b? Or should B18 and b be one further?

Slarty: Re: ((no subject)) (2012-06-16 18:31) [#9504]

White has a large territory and one weak group against two! 18 can be further but a one space pincer instead of b is severe.

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