Forum for Dogleg Four

Implication of "bent four in the corner" and "twisted four in the corner". [#279]

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Unkx80: Implication of "bent four in the corner" and "twisted four in the corner". (2006-01-30 11:05) [#965]

I received an email regarding the following statement on the parent page:

Just like the bent four, twisted four is affected by the special properties of the corner although the implications are not quite the same. See twisted four in the corner.

This statement first appeared on version 2 of twisted four and was added by on August 29, 2002.

Can or some person recall or clarify what are the implications that is referred to in the statement? Thanks.

HermanHiddema: implication difference between bent four and twisted four in the corner (2006-01-30 17:27) [#968]

I didn't write the original sentence, but I have an educated guess at the implication difference. With bent four in the corner you can kill groups (under japanese rules) by almost filling certain corner shapes so that you have the option of making a bent four later. See section 3 of bent four in the corner or bent four in the corner is dead. With the twisted four in the corner there is no such option.

The implication difference is then that bent four can kill the corner outright sometimes, but twisted four always depends on outside liberties for ko

Unkx80: Re: implication difference between bent four and twisted four in the corner (2006-01-31 03:11) [#972]

Thanks. Will edit the statement later.

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