Forum for Rules of Go

Should we make a page for personal rulesets? [#2719]

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MrMormon: Should we make a page for personal rulesets? (2011-12-21 00:24) [#9145]

I was wondering if anyone thinks it would be a good idea to make a page with the personal rulesets of wiki members and notable people.

hyperpapeterie: Re: Should we make a page for personal rulesets? (2011-12-21 02:21) [#9146]

I don't see the point, and it's one more page to maintain. On the other hand, you're free to create whatever you want.

RobertJasiek: Re: Should we make a page for personal rulesets? (2011-12-21 08:16) [#9149]

What is a personal ruleset in contrast to a public ruleset? Once a ruleset is published, it is not personal any longer. So I do not see any point in making it personal-only again.

There is a broad range of qualities of rulesets developed by single persons though. Some rulesets are major breakthroughs while others look more like "today I want this - ah, no, tomorrow I want that". E.g., all of my rulesets listed on RulesOfGo are major breakthroughs - there you do not see those of my many other rulesets that were drafts etc. preceding the major breakthroughs.

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