byorgey: As explained in my blog, I'm starting a go club at my school, so I'm looking around for some equipment that is cheap, durable, and easily stored... does anyone have any suggestions? I was looking at these vinyl boards on Yutopian, but was having trouble finding any cheap (plastic) but full-sized stones. Any suggestions anyone has in terms of boards, stones, or bowls (Tupperware?) would be appreciated -- thanks!
Chris Hayashida: You might want to contact the AGA. I know they work with the ING Foundation and the AGF to try and supply equipment for Go clubs, especially to those that are geared towards teaching children and students. They might be able to help.
byorgey: Thanks for the tip. I tried e-mailing the AGF a week ago but have gotten no response (only an automatic e-mail telling me my message would have to be approved since I was sending it to a members-only list). Does anyone have any suggestions for contacting them?
(Sebastian:) Did you try their local chapter - ? A friend of mine had some cheap rubber boards and rubber stones which he got from AGA. He wrote:
If anyone wants to start a youth group or such, contact:
They can supply startup boards and etc.
Is this where you sent your e-mail? BTW, if you need a big demonstration board take a look at Teaching Goban.
amadis: Check stores catering to Koreans and Chinese. Full-sized go sets can be found for US $20 or less in such places.
(moved from QuickQuestions)