Forum for Go stones

Most desirable thickness for stones [#2569]

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Sebastian: Most desirable thickness for stones (2011-05-28 23:30) [#8503]

(The following discussion has been moved from the article page:)

Tom: I am curious, what is the most desirable thickness for stones? I don't want to purchase any too thick, but of course not too thin. I guess its a matter of personal taste, but does anyone have any preferences? Its hard to find a place to test different sizes.

Zarlan: Well, I have a 8mm set and a 9mm set, and personaly I prefer 9mm or maybe stones that are slightly, but not all that much, bigger. 8mm isn't bad though, but smaller stones probably would be.
pwaldron: For what it's worth, I had the chance to compare once and found my preference to be for 9.2 mm stones. They are large enough to give a feeling of substance, but any larger and the stones wobble around too much on the board.
X Re: Most desirable thickness for stones (2011-05-29 06:12) [#8506]

Bass: 9.2 mm or 9.6 mm will feel nice and hefty while still looking good. Anything over 7 mm is usable, but if you go over 11mm, the stones will start to look like marbles.

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