Forum for Le Go Cosmique

English Translation? [#247]

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Hu: English Translation? (2006-01-10 10:51) [#835]

Discussion moved in from the main page:

Karel? It's also been translated into English - I saw the book when I visited the Nihon Ki-in in Tokyo.

LaTomate Mabe you're thinking of [ext] "Cosmic go" by Yang Huiren and Sangit Chatterjee, which isn't the same book? I have the French book, it's one of the best go books I've read so far. Mabe worth purchasing in French, since the language isn't too complicated, and it really is worth it

DrStraw: ((no subject)) (2006-01-10 14:06) [#838]

Well, it is much better than its English namesake but I would hardly say it is one of the best Go books there is. If you have a basic knowledge of French you will have no trouble understanding 95% of it, but I think that the material in it is covered very well in a number of English-language books.

ChiyoDad: Re: English Translation? (2006-01-10 17:47) [#850]

Isn't there an English "equivalent" in GopherGo?'s [ext] Imagination of a Go Master? My understanding is that many of the same games are used in both books. Not identical (2006-01-11 22:30) [#858]

The books are not identical, but they do use a lot of the same games. The English book has some nice 'non-game'intermezzo's.

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