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graph [#2314]

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Sebastian: graph (2010-06-18 03:41) [#7776]

Someone requested at /Data Collection a graph comparing IGS with KGS; here goes:

thanatos13: Re: graph (2010-06-18 03:58) [#7777]

Ooh, thanks, but I see an outlier. which totally shifted the rankings. anonymous g1 was it? 3k IGS, 5k KGS. I think that person might have not played for a long time on KGS, but has played regularly on IGS. If the strength of 3kyu KGS is 10k to 7k... I wonder how KGS 6 kyu's might react when they start at IGS playing 9 kyu thinking that they're not going to get trounced. Sorry. Thanks for the graph.

Sebastian: Re: graph (2010-06-18 04:24) [#7778]

I'm afraid this is not just an outlier, but a rather typical situation. We don't know anything about how often people played on the various venues. In all likelihood, there will be many entries that are only based on very few games, or where a played started on one venue, and then continued on the other, while improving, and the like. We simply don't have enough data, which naturally causes data points to spread out. KGS and IGS happen to be the ones with most data, so the fact that this graph looks largely exact is probably the exception, not the rule.

BTW, I forgot to include Nick Jhirad's value: 5d @KGS, 5d-6d @IGS.

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