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No edit? [#2222]

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willemien: No edit? (2010-03-13 11:51) [#7414]

I wanted to add the end position to the dispute mero jasiek but I get the message:

Problem while editing

This page has been locked by the administrator and cannot be edited.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

can one of the administraters added the following position?

Disputed position  

This is the position when the dispute started it is taken from the video at [ext]

The points triangle are not good visuable so could contain anything

tapir: Re: No edit? (2010-03-13 12:01) [#7415]

i added it, but i doubt players would leave white stones in atari without resolving the situation.

RobertJasiek: ((no subject)) (2010-03-13 12:50) [#7416]

On the parent page, also H2 should be marked for consistency. K6 was certainly not in atari.

xela: correction: K6 is indeed not in atari (2010-03-13 13:12) [#7417]

From what I can see on the video, K7 should be a white stone. I've made that correction on the page Dispute Mero-Jasiek. I haven't checked the rest of the board thoroughly. If you notice any other discrepancies and would like them corrected before the lock expires, please post details here.

willemien: more problems (2010-03-16 12:24) [#7431]

Saw my error (K6 was indeed white) later. (it was all more difficult than I expected)

I think the rest is ok.

Thanks for correcting it.

But there is a last problem: At the end of the video White seems to win by 25 points. (using Ing counting 12 black stones are put into white territory and there is one point left) But as far as i can follow it with the diagram the end score differs.

Regarding black+circle's as dead Marked B in the following Diagram

 +---------------------------------------+  Black area per line
 | X X O O O X . X . . X O O O . . . . . |   8
 | . X O O X X X . X . X X O . O . . O O |  10   18
 | X X O O X O X . X X X . X O . O O X O |  11   29
 | X X X O O O O X X X . . X O O X X X O |  12   41
 | . X X X X X O O X X X . X X X X . X X |  17   58
 | X . X O O O O X X O X X X X . . X O O |  12   70
 | T X . X O . O X O O O X . . . X X O . |  11   81
 | T T X X O O X X O X O O X X X X O O . |  11   92
 | T T X X O O X O O X X O O O O O . . O |   7   99
 | X T X O . O X X O O X X O O . B O O . |   7  106
 | . X O O O O O X O X X X O X O B O . O |   7  113
 | . . X X X O . O O X . X X X X O . . O |  11  124
 | . . X . X O O . O X X X . X O O . O O |  10  134
 | . . X X X X X O . O O O X X X O O B O |  10  144
 | . X X O X O O . O X X O O X O O B B . |   7  151
 | X X O O X O O . O O X X O X X O B . B |   7  158
 | X X O . O O O O . . O X X X O O B O B |   5  163
 | X O O . . . . B O O O O X X O X O O . |   4  167
 | O O O . . . . . . . O X X X X X X O . |   6  173

There are thus 173 Black stones in the Black area so there should be only 7 stones left to put in white territory where did the remaining 5 stones come from?

RobertJasiek: Re: more problems (2010-03-16 15:09) [#7432]

From the box? Recall that White had passed a few times while Black had approached white stones to remove them.

HermanHiddema: Re: more problems (2010-03-16 15:37) [#7433]

Don't forget the 8 komi. This is normally handled by placing 4 white stones inside black area, after which there would be 169 area left, so 11 stones to place in 12 empty white for a score of 23. Very close to the reported 25, maybe there is a single transcription error in the given diagram?

HermanHiddema: Re: more problems (2010-03-16 15:59) [#7434]

I see that on the page, K7 has been turned white instead of black, and the resulting diagram thus gives a score of 25.

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