Criminal Minds Pilot [#200]
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Criminal Minds Pilot
(2005-12-04 16:01) [#685]
Regarding the Criminal Minds pilot, the discussion on the page is copied here:
- Did anyone catch the position?
- zinger: The scene was too short to catch much. The stones were placed correctly on the intersections. I noticed a few white stones on the first line with no nearby stones, which looked odd. I wonder what kept the stones in place when they spun the board?
- Thad: They didn't spin them that fast. At that speed their weight would have kept them in place. I've seen rotating Scrabble boards spun at roughly the same speed with out the tiles moving. Even light stones weigh more than Scrabble tiles. The thing I find puzzling is that they even make rotating gobans. ( Scrabble boards rotate so that you can turn the board to face the person whose turn it is. )
- Hiker: Through the wonders DVR, I've paused the show and copied the position. The stone count is correct. But there is one glaring error, the white stone at L13. The game seems pretty close to me.
- Thad: I've checked the upper right hand corner ( Life? What's that? ) and it is not used in any game in their database.
- zinger: Aha. Those white dudes in the top right must be what I perceived as first line stones. This is pretty good for Go on TV.
- ilan: Like I was saying at the Coffee Machine I turned the TV on to this station after a 9 hour drive getting away from Rita. The dialogue I caught was: "Chairman Mao made his aides play it. The game of Go is very psychologically revealing, there is the aggressive attacker and the defensive point counter." They then look at the position on the board being played by the serial killer, and the expert's opinion was: "aggressive attacker." The weirdest part about this scene was the red go board and stones, though this may have been my impression from the bad reception at the cheap motel I had to stay at, due to trouble finding lodging because of the millions of evacuees. After some thought, the redness may have been in reference to Chairman Mao.
- Thad: The goban looked a dark brown-red mix to me. Not uncommon for dark colored gobans.
Re: Criminal Minds Pilot: Copied from numbered diagram?
(2005-12-04 16:08) [#686]
It is possible that the position was copied directly from a numbered diagram such as might appear in a newspaper or book. Such diagrams often have include captured stones so that the number can indicate when it was first played.
Re: Criminal Minds Pilot
(2006-04-19 20:38) [#1446]
Ithmatic: Did anyone upload the game to Sensei's?
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