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pages by distance [#1771]

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willemien: pages by distance (2009-03-19 11:40) [#5863]

Was puzzeling about the pages by distance

library works says:

  1. Look at the bottom 250 backward in pages by distance. These are pages containing very few links and hence susceptible of wikification.
  1. Look at the bottom 250 forward in pages by distance. These are pages being linked from very few pages. They can probably be linked from more pages or be merged into similar pages which are referenced more often.

I was wondering

Can the note not also be added to the sections on pages by distance

How up to date are these pages? Some of the pages mentioned on bottom 250 backward have quite a lot of links. were they wikified after mentioned on the page(I guess)

The Bottom 250 forward all just have one link to to the page. sometimes that is just plain logical. (BQM,s subpages ect)But is it not possible to change this to a list of all pages wich are only linked to from one page? (and exclude BQM and similar catagories)

(probably there are many more, some much more easy to integrate/ wikify)

Unkx80: ((no subject)) (2009-03-19 12:18) [#5865]

I only regenerated the stats yesterday...

I suspect your observation on the bottom 250 backward pages has something to do with the pages being selected at random, so chances are that some pages will never be reached at all despite having a fairly large number of links.

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