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(moved) Time for preliminary matches in Japan? [#16]

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ArnoHollosi: (moved) Time for preliminary matches in Japan? (2005-10-08 23:56) [#24]

How long do preliminary matches last in the Japanese Go scene? I mean title matches are given 8 hours or 7 or depending on the title. How about the qualifying games for these matches? And how about the Ooteai, how long were the games back then?

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ArnoHollosi: Re: (moved) Time for preliminary matches in Japan? (2005-10-08 23:56) [#25]

Kisei, Meijin, and Honinbo preliminary matches give 5 hours per player with five 1-minute byo-yomi.

Judan, Tengen, Oza, and Gosei preliminary matches give 4 hours per player with five 1-minute byo-yomi.

Kisei, Meijin, and Honinbo titles matches give 8 hours per player with ten 1-minute byo-yomi. (2 day affairs)

Judan title matches give 5 hours per player with ten 1-minute byo-yomi.

Oza title matches give 5 hours per player with five 1-minute byo-yomi.

Tengen and Gosei title matches give 4 hours per player with five 1-minute byo-yomi.

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