Forum for 3-4 point low approach one-space low pincer
Alternate responses for white when pincered [#1397]
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Alternate responses for white when pincered
(2008-05-20 14:20) [#4691]
A colleague of mines often plays the circle spot. Why I cannot find any responses in the go websites? Is this a bad move? if so, how can i punish it?
Re: Alternate responses for white when pincered
(2008-05-20 22:56) [#4694]
White's slide looks low and slow.
The jump attachment at
looks attractive.
is White's most stubborn response. (Otherwise White is easily contained.)
Rather than capture
is a key play, sacrificing the
stones for great thickness.
Re: Alternate responses for white when pincered
(2008-05-21 16:10) [#4695]
I would probably play like this, with
either at simply at a, or at b to seal white in completely. Black gets thickness in exchange for about 10 points for white.
like this is unreasonable.
becomes mochikomi and white ends in gote with a semi-weak group, while black gets a large corner.
Re: Alternate responses for white when pincered
(2008-05-21 16:38) [#4696]
allows White to sacrifice the corner. All of White's plays are kikashi. Perhaps
should be at 6 right away.
Re: Alternate responses for white when pincered
(2008-05-21 18:28) [#4698]
Black gets to connect, but as White I would be happy to give up two stones in return for four forced replies. :)
As for the crosscut and connection, the connection did not look all that great to me.
Instead of
, maybe White should extend to 4.
This is not so bad for White, but I think that sacrificing the corner is better. :)
Even with a more distant pincer ...
(2008-05-21 19:17) [#4699]
Bob McGuigan: In his book Tricks in Joseki Yilun Yang analyses the slide when Black has made a two space low pincer:
Mr. Yang gives the following two diagrams:
White must defend at a so the
stone becomes useless.
White is split into two weak groups, but of course this is a different pincer than in the original question.
Another alternative
(2009-11-19 09:35) [#6588]
A kyu once played this against me in a game. It's not mentioned anywhere on SL, but how is it a bad move? It doesn't seem punishable.
Re: Another alternative
(2009-11-19 09:38) [#6590]
is slow and heavy.
is enough punishment. Normally, with the one point jump, white could play a, but that is not possible now.
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