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all those mystery letters [#1373]

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velobici: all those mystery letters (2008-04-25 05:35) [#4639]

PeterHB, thank you very much for adding all these links. I did not know of many of them.

Do you understand what those mystery letters, such as "cj", "zj" and "gj", are ? They are the letters that the webmaster uses as directory names on the site. "cj" is in place of Chuji, "zj" in place of Zhongji and "gj" in place of Gaoji. Which are Chinese for Introductory Level, Intermediate Level and Advanced Level. The only hard one to understand is "fyl"...but Igo Hatsuyoron is known as FaYangLun in Chinese. Since the links are distinct and takes one to the section mentioned on the line, how does it help to include "cj", "zj", "gj" and the rest here? They only make sense if

  1. one knows Chinese,
  2. reads the English (Introductory Level for instance),
  3. translates to Chinese (初级),
  4. converts to pinyin (Chu1Ji2), and
  5. abbreviates to an acronym composed of the first letter of each Chinese syllable (cj).

For examples of the Chinese usage, please see: Weiqi Chuji Jieti Xunlian (围棋初级解题训练), Weiqi Zhongji Jieti Xunlian (围棋中级解题训练) and Weiqi Gaoji Jieti Xunlian (围棋高级解题训练).

PeterHB: Done my best (2008-04-25 06:40) [#4640]

Its having some kind of distinguishing factor between each of the 'Shangdu' entries I'm after. Shangdu 1, Shangdu 2, etc. would be okay. Just don't want Shangdu 8 times, with no distinction. I'm not hung up on the particular phrase 'Shangdu' or think that the abbreviation 'cj' is the best. Just something better than nothing. For example, I added the Eba Hiroki stuff as heba because I didn't know any better. Clearly using his name is better, I just hadn't made that connection. I can't read chinese/japanese/korean. I don't know what the jgj is shorthand for, or many of the japanese words I've used, e.g. raku, sikatu, sou, tekijyou, tsuku, tsuyo, tukamoto. I'm hoping someone will come along later with a better grasp of japanese to fix things up. I have just done my best to keep things simple, ordered, and trying to avoid over-complication. This wiki-stuff seems to be a case of better to put something down, rather than have a blank page, then modify from there. And yes, its difficult to do it without stepping on peoples toes. Cooperation is always difficult, but I think we've got a better result in the end with multiple people contributing.

velobici: Re: Done my best (2008-04-25 14:22) [#4641]

Understand. Don't know any Korean myself, so those websites are "pictures only" for me. Guessing that "Shangdu" must be a different romanization of "Chengdu" 成都, but don't see those characters anywhere...very fustrating.

What we have now is good

[ext] Shangdu, introductory 初级 (63)

Another option would be:

[ext] Introductory Level 初级 at [ext] Shangdu, 63 problems.
Gokyo Shumyo 棋经众妙, a [ext] partial version at [ext] Shangdu, 31 problems.
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